Odds and Ends 

Human Stem Cells Successfully Used To Cure Diabetes In Mice

Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown that it is possible to use human stem cells to functionally cure diabetes in mice in just a couple of weeks. The treatment kept the disease at bay for at least nine months and up to more than a year in some mice.  The work, published in Nature Biotechnology, builds on previous research by the team. They focused on the use of human pluripotent stem cells, cells that can take the form of any type of human…

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40 Most Wholesome Rescue Pet Photos Of This Month (February Edition)

There aren’t many decisions in life as rewarding and life-changing as adopting a pet. Just think about it—you save a life and get a best friend for life. Bored Panda has compiled a list of newly adopted animal testimonials of the month, because nothing makes us so happy as these cutie pies settling into their brand new families. ASPCA Adoption Center, about how animal adoption works in the US and what you need to know before making this decision. This post may include affiliate links. Unfollow 1 day ago Thank You for saving…

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Odds and Ends 

How Pamela Adlon Totally Reinvented Herself and Became a TV Icon

excellent FX series Better Things, she wrote a series of phrases on note cards and stuck them to the wall. Divorce is contagious. Togetherness. Forgiveness. Rain. I feel like I had themes this season for the first time, Adlon tells me on this weeks episode of Mike Judge, who co-created King of the Hill. Adlon won an Emmy Award for voicing young Bobby Hill on that animated series. I never thought Mike would come down to do this scene, just stick his head in, Adlon says, explaining that Judge was…

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Home Office boss quits over ‘campaign against him’

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionSir Philip Rutnam says there has been a “vicious, orchestrated briefing campaign” against him The top civil servant in the Home Office has resigned and said he intends to claim for constructive dismissal by the government. Sir Philip Rutnam said there had been a “vicious and orchestrated” campaign against him in Home Secretary Priti Patel’s office. Reported tensions between the pair included claims she mistreated officials – which she has denied. The prime minister has “full confidence in his cabinet”, Downing Street…

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Odds and Ends 

Trump Turns to Tucker Carlson to Help Decide Roger Stones Fate

If President Trump ends up pardoning his former political operative part-time Trump adviser: Tucker Carlson. For roughly a year, the primetime host has done a series of segments devoted to calling on the president to pardon the so-called dirty trickster Stone, a Republican consultant, Nixon enthusiast, withdrew, mere hours after the Justice Department headquarters intervened to supercede their recommendation to a federal judge that Stone be sentenced to seven-to-nine years behind bars. And on Wednesday morning, Trump posted a tweet railing against the rogue prosecutors, branding them part of the…

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4 things to watch in South Carolina’s Democratic primary

Charleston, South Carolina (CNN)Joe Biden needs a win Saturday night. And if he, as recent polling suggests, pulls it off, how big that victory is could determine the course of the Democratic nomination fight as it heads into Super Tuesday on March 3. Visit CNN’s Election Center for full coverage of the 2020 race For all the other candidates, like former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, South Carolina serves as a stopover on the way to Super Tuesday. None of…

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Odds and Ends 

YouTuber tricks British racist Katie Hopkins into accepting C*NT award

Pieters, who has 1.24 million followers on YouTube, released a video on his channel on Thursday titled I Flew Katie Hopkins to Prague to Win a Fake Award. So we thought it would be nice to give her one, he continues, with the image of an award that reads Campaign to Unify the Nation Trophy. The abbreviation of the award reads CUNT. The chairman and leaders are made up of characters based on photos of Pieters dad, the leader of the Klu Klux Klan, and the woman who makes announcements…

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Lena Dunham: Caroline Flacks death hit me with a sickening power

I adored the former Love Island host, and wish we could have shown her a more hopeful reality: that women who err and fail are worthy of love My adoration for Cher) and the empathy she brought to a bloodless and occasionally unkind television format lent her an air of approachable glamour, a local-girl-done-good sheen, aspirational but earthy. Not since I saw Storm I C Cup, and took comfort in her durable, bounce-back brand of vulnerability. Her quotes about heartbreak (I feel at my most calm, in control and happiest…

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Odds and Ends 

Weinstein Accuser Details Gross Golden Shower Encounter With Disgraced Film Mogul

Harvey Weinsteins defense lawyers testimony was cut short on Monday after she broke down in tears while reading a May 2014 email to a former boyfriend, in which she revealed her relationship with Weinstein to him for the first time and mentioned a previous sexual assault. In the letter, she wrote that she admired Weinstein because he validated her Hollywood dreams and encouraged her to pursue acting. Harvey was my fathers age and he gave me all the validation I needed, Mann wrote in the email. I think he liked…

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Stray Staffie With A Fabulous Smile Finds Her Forever Home

Probably most of us have at least one stereotype related to a dog breed in our minds. Huskies are convinced barking is for amateurs and just howl instead, chihuahuas can’t shut up and seem like they want to fight anything that moves but yet they can’t stop trembling, Staffordshires not only look like they want to fight anything but actually do – you name it. Due to this last trait, most shelters know they’ll have real trouble trying to rehome a Staffie when one comes along but in this case,…

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Odds and Ends 

New Artifacts Recovered From Franklins Doomed Arctic Expedition Shipwreck

A collaborative team of researchers continues to piece together the circumstances underlying the mysterious disappearance of Sir John Franklin’s ill-fated expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. Now, underwater archaeologists unveil more than 350 newly recovered artifacts from HMS Erebus, one of two ships lost in the Arctic waters. The mission makes up the largest, most complex underwater archaeological recoveries in Canadian history. Over three weeks in the fall of 2019, Parks Canada’s Underwater Archaeology Team conducted 93 dives on HMS Erebus, logging nearly 110 hours. Divers used both traditional and…

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Well, That Was Awkward: Weekly Horoscopes February 24-28 | Betches

The good news: the sun is headed into Mercury this week, which guides all of our communications. The bad news: Mercury is also in retrograde, which can bring on misunderstandings and technical snafus. Basically, don’t be surprised if you have at least one painfully awkward experience this week that you’ll think about randomly right before you’re about to fall asleep for the rest of your life. You know, like that time in second grade when you called your teacher “mom.” Humiliating. Taurus Awkward social situations abound, Taurus. You’re in serious…

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