Odds and Ends 

People Stuck at Home are Recreating Famous Paintings and Its Awesome

During this time of isolation, art lovers around the world have found a way to unite and stay creative: by recreating classic artworks using whatever they can find at home. Several social media ‘challenges’ have gone viral online by institutions like the Getty Museum, Rijksmuseum, and Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine on Instagram. I’ve compiled some of my personal favorites below. But you can find many more submission on Twitter, Instagram (here too), Facebook, and reddit! 1. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Recreation via Krlmhl on reddit 2. Arnolfini Wedding…

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30 Pets With Royal Portraits They Deserve Made By Crown & Paw (New Pics)

The start-up company Crown & Paw extends a helping hand to any pet parents who want to treat their beloved floofs to something unique and unusual. This company we didn’t know we needed in our lives has been operating for a little over a year now and specializes in creating custom pet portraits with a royal twist to them. Incredibly talented digital artists combine 19th-century portraits and rare Renaissance-era oil paintings with your favorite pet photos to achieve this funny and heartwarming result. Bored Panda and here’s a list of…

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