
I Illustrated National Parks In America Based On Their Worst Review And I Hope They Will Make You Laugh (16 Pics)

reply I had been wanting to draw all of the national parks, but wanted to find a way to add a bit of a twist to make it different from the other park illustrations already out there. I stumbled upon the one star reviews online, and the idea just came to me! I came to illustration by way of hand lettering, so finding words I could incorporate into the park illustrations really helped the project come together.  reply reply View More Replies… Sometimes I find the perfect review really quickly,…

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30 Thought-Provoking Digital Illustrations That Expose The Flaws Of Our Modern Society

Art has recently grown into a relatively strong medium to convey critique. Whether it’s of the way we live our lives, the way “things are done” in our society, or the way we abuse the planet (or abuse each other). In a world where a single picture can tell a thousand words—how information is much more consumed via imagery rather than language—art turns out to be an effective way to understand the scope of an issue and to call for change. This is the trajectory that artist and illustrator Davide…

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