Satan Claws
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Read MoreSavannah Jackson Updated December 19, 2019 Mehmet Kürşat Değer Savannah Jackson Updated December 19, 2019 Mehmet Kürşat Değer When you’ve been in a state of perpetual singlehood, loneliness becomes a natural part of your life. I used to repeat a line from Jamila Woods’ Holy: “I’m not lonely, I’m alone.” I felt like there was such power in removing the word lonely from my life. If I could just stop being lonely, everything would be better. I was lying to myself. I AM lonely, and I am also alone. I’ve…
Read MoreJ.K. Rowling draws criticism from transgender community for its support of controversial researcher Read more:
Read MoreTo tell you about my time with Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, I could tell you about reflecting Stormtroopers blaster bolts back at them with ease. I could talk about downing an AT-ST, or dancing between enemy blades. I might recall the desolate grandeur of Dathomir or the isolated interior of an Imperial holding cell. All this is to say Jedi: Fallen Order is not just a great action gameits a fantastic Star Wars story. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order review Respawn Entertainment has delivered a surefire crowd-pleaser that calls…
Read MoreBy DeMorris Byrd By DeMorris Byrd Now that 2019 is almost over, you might be looking back at your year, wishing you made different choices. But you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Some of your mistakes aren’t meant to be regretted. They taught you something valuable. 1. Don’t regret falling for an asshole. You might feel stupid for thinking they were going to treat you right. You might feel like you wasted valuable time chasing after them when you should’ve seen the signs earlier and ran. But there’s nothing…
Read MoreBy Rayyu Maldives photographer By Rayyu Maldives photographer Aries Your emotions are extremes. Either you want nothing to do with someone or you feel like they’re the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Taurus You’re in love with the idea of love. You think it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. Gemini You’re a sucker for anyone who gives you even the slightest amount of affection. Cancer You hate casual relationships and want to jump straight to the serious parts. Leo You’re an optimist. You always hope for…
Read MoreSask ., federal environment pastors positive after 1st in-person meeting Read more:
Read MoreGustavo Caballero/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images What Time Does Target Open On Black Friday 2019? You Can Get Started Early By Lara Walsh Updated: Nov 20, 2019 With the biggest shopping day of the year just weeks away, it’s time to start putting together your Black Friday game plan. If you’re wondering what time Target opens on Black Friday this year, get ready to leave Thanksgiving dinner a little early. According to the superstore, sales start as early as Thanksgiving morning, giving you even more time to rake in the savings…
Read MoreThere are some toys that are abandoned quickly and then there are those who are loved to death. Well, not as extremely, but definitely to fraying seams and colors bleached out by time. If you ever lost a plushie to the cruelty of endless snuggles and time, then this post might bring some newfound hope (and nostalgia) for you! Apparently, there’s a plushie hospital in Japan. Yup, you read it right. Fumofu Land & Nuigurumi Health Corporation Mofumofukai Plush Hospital specializes in recovering the fresh state of plush toys. And…
Read MoreShareTweetPin We, the Christian women of this world, are a silenced army. Silenced by distraction. Distraction is a sly weapon used by the enemy. Distraction keeps us focused on good and bad things so we will miss the God things in our lives. Distraction will keep us following whatever life throws at us, and distraction makes everything in our lives except God urgent. Distraction has a snowball effect, and if you open the door to it, distraction can take your whole life with it, one day at a time. A…
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Read MoreShareTweetPin The Lord loves chicken, but more than that, He loves people. I was reminded once again how religion stifles that love and how we, as the church, can point out the sawdust in someone’s eye better than anyone. A recent story emerged in the media, and like the good, obedient children we are, we slurped up what the angry masses were serving. How dare Chick-fil-A back down from their Godly principles and give in to the masses for the sake of money?! If you missed the hoopla on social…
Read MoreBlake Lewis and daughter Sophie when he weighed 322 pounds. (SWNS) “My daughter Sophie didn’t understand why we couldn’t go on the ride because we had sat down alright. I knew I was big but when I couldn’t get the belt over my stomach I thought: ‘This doesn’t happen to people every day. Something is not right,’” he recalled. “We were told to get off and Sophie was upset because she had to wait while her brother went on the ride with her mum. There were a few tears,” he…
Read MoreChain of Calgary shawarma eateries linked to norovirus Read more:
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