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WATCH: Alabama Sam’s Club Erupts Into Bone-Chilling Worship Service

When it comes to the social climate of our country these days, it can often feel like the only place “appropriate” enough to talk about Jesus is inside of a church.

The fact of the matter is that the church is not a building at all, but a body of believers.

A viral video posted on Facebook is proving that praising the Lord and sharing the Gospel with others isn’t limited to four church walls. In fact, it doesn’t have to happen inside of a church at all!

While walking the aisles at her local Dothan, Alabama, Sam’s Club, Michelle Holland Connor pulled out her phone along with dozens of other patrons to capture the moment when a full store of shoppers erupted in worship singing “My God Is Awesome.”

It all started when a shopper took to a keyboard display with her musical talents. The piano attracted shoppers from all over the store, where they gathered around the keys and joined her in praise!

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“Sometimes you need a little church,” Michelle writes with her video. “Even if it’s in Sam’s Club.” 

Amen to that.

One Sam’s Club employee even joined in singing harmony and leading worshippers through later verses of the song!

The result is goosebump-worthy, and a beautiful reminder of what Jesus says to us: “Where two or more are gathered, I am there in the midst.”

Check out the Sam’s Club rendition of “My God Is Awesome” below:

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Read more: https://faithit.com/watch-alabama-sams-club-erupts-worship-service/

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