Odds and Ends 

Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden Face Off in Democratic Battle for Iran Dove Cred

On the surface, the Democrats sounded more or less like one another when they denouncedDonald Trumps hit on Qassem Soleimani. But there were some subtle differences that they didnt get into on cable news. Theyre revealing, and they reflect the differences in the party on questions of war and peace and fighting terrorism, with Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders representing the two tent polesat a moment when Sanders has started to attack Biden for the first time more generally. The poles arent hawk and dove. Thats too simplistic. Hardly anyone…

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Odds and Ends 

Iraq Tells Trump GTFO After Soleimani Strike

On Sunday, just days after the voted to oust American troops from the country and Tehran advance the cause of peace. President Donald Trumps truculent response? Threaten Iraq with sanctions if it expels U.S. troops: If they do ask us to leave, if we dont do it in a very friendly basis, we will charge them sanctions like theyve never seen before ever. Itll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame. Tehrans announcement about its nuclear program Sunday indicated that the efforts Iran and the United States made in recent months…

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Odds and Ends 

Meghan McCain Praises Trump: Im Happy He Killed a Big, Bad Terrorist

The Views concerns from Democrats that the president is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Soleimani was, quote, actively plotting against the American public and that Trump made the right decision, the conservative host said. I was actually really surprised to see things like World War III trending, just given the fact that Soleimani was responsible for over 600 American deaths. Why do you think people are reacting the way that they are? McCain continued. Do you think its just because there is this trust gap, if you will, between…

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