
Jeff Weiner Updates His LinkedIn Profile

The last three and a half years haven’t been so great for social media platforms. They’ve been accused of breaking Western democracies, and Ryan Roslansky, a senior vice president of product at the company who was the first person Weiner hired. confused with Tinder. Throughout, the company’s origins shaped its tone and its culture. People’s identities were tied to their résumés, which meant that they acted like their bosses were always looking. This decreases racist shitposting and increases the colloquial use of PowerPoint clichés. The company went public in 2011…

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Odds and Ends 

Design may be the next entrepreneurial gold rush

Ten years ago, the vast majority of designers were working in Adobe Photoshop, a powerful tool with fine-tuned controls for almost every kind of image manipulation one could imagine. But it was a tool built for an analog world focused on photos, flyers and print magazines; there were no collaborative features, and much more importantly for designers, there were no other options. Since then, a handful of major players have stepped up to dominate the market alongside the behemoth, including InVision, Sketch, Figma and Canva. And with the shift in…

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