Odds and Ends 

“I Dont Buy Organic Anything. Mama & Daddy LIKE Screen Time”: Mom Says the Perfect Mom Club Is Overrated

“I don’t buy organic anything.

My kid drinks Winn Dixie brand whole milk.

Seldom a day goes by that my son doesn’t eat a cookie, a Little Debbie cake, or a pack of gummies (that counts as fruit, right?).

My kid doesn’t wear Boutique brand bubbles or designer shoes.

We roll up to day care in hand-me-downs and consignment specials. Oh and Cat and Jack head to toe (where you at Target mamas!?)

You can’t walk through my front door without tripping over a toy train or a member of the Paw Patrol.

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We let our kid have screen time. Momma and Daddy like screens, too (Sup Disney+).

If you sit on my couch, there is a 100% chance you will leave with dog hair on your behind and get licked in the face by a Toy Poodle named Loretta Lynn.

My laundry is never caught up, my To-Do list is never empty, and I hardly am ever faithful to my New Years resolutions.

Guess what? I am okay with all of that. Every bit of it. And you should be, too.

This is the phase of life we are in mommas. It’s crazy busy, full of mess, some stress, and all of the rest.

Still, we show up every day. Mommin’ hard then crashing even harder at 9 p.m. after watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

I don’t want to be in the ‘perfect mom club.’ They probably don’t have fun anyway (plus, I need my wine). Perfection is overrated. I’m happy with myself and growing every day. I challenge you to do the same too.

A Momma Like You”

**This post was written by Kacie Duncan. See more from her on Facebook and Instagram.


Read more: https://faithit.com/dont-buy-organic-anything-let-kids-screen-time/

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