
Here’s Another Chance to Weigh In on the FCC’s Net Neutrality Repeal

The Federal Communications Commission is once again seeking comment on its repeal of its Obama-era net neutrality rules. But the new comment period isn't focused on the usual issues that underpin the net neutrality debate, such as blocking or throttling content. Instead, it will focus on less-noticed aspects of the agency's decision with regards to public safety and the agency's oversight of broadband internet providers. In 2015 the Obama-era FCC reclassified broadband service providers as "common carriers" like traditional telephone companies, giving the agency broader authority to regulate broadband providers.…

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Odds and Ends 

TRACED Act signed into law, putting robocallers on notice

The Pallone-Thune TRACED Act, a bipartisan bit of legislation that should make life harder for the villains behind robocalls, was signed into law today by the president. It’s still possible to get things done in D.C. after all! We’ve covered the TRACED Act several times previously, as robocalls are, in addition to being horribly annoying, a uniquely annoying high-tech threat. Using clever targeting and spoofing technology, scammers are placing millions of calls that at best irritate and at worst take advantage of the vulnerable. The new law won’t end that…

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