Trump’s Oscars rant? He just wants Hollywood to see he’s a star
The US presidents tirade against Parasites best picture Oscar, preferring Sunset Boulevard and Gone With the Wind, masks his own frustration at being cold-shouldered by Tinseltown
The only real surprise was what took him so long. Nearly two weeks after Parasite became the first foreign-language film to win the Oscar for best picture, Donald Trump lashed out at a rally in Colorado on Thursday night. How bad were the Academy Awards this year? He asked, a propos of nothing. The winner is a movie from South Korea, what the hell was that all about?
Trump admitted he hadnt actually seen Parasite: Was it good? I dont know. Clearly he is less concerned about the movies quality than its provenance. Here he is, trying to make America great again, and a foreign movie takes Hollywoods top prize, on his watch. We got enough problems with South Korea with trade and on top of it, they give them the best movie of the year, he complained. Lets hope he doesnt find out about any other foreigners winning Oscars. In the past decade, best director has been won by directors from Britain, France, Taiwan and, on five occasions, Mexico.