Wholesome Doctor Draws Cartoons On Kids Post-Op Dressings
Dr. Robert Parry is more than just a surgeon. He’s a real human being. The director of pediatric surgery at Akron Children’s Hospital in Akron, Ohio, has been going viral for his unique way of making his little patients less scared. After he puts down the scalpel, Parry takes out his pens to hide their post-surgery scars with amusing cartoon drawings.
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
After Akron Children’s Hospital shared pictures of Parry’s drawings, they immediately spread all over the internet
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
A mom whose daughter once was Parry’s patient said his illustration really transformed the entire hospital experience. “There is an incredible amount of stress any time a child is ill,” Christina Potts Whipkey told CNN. “When there is a surgical schedule, parents work hard to hide their fear of the procedure, the financial stress of the situation, and their terror of something going wrong.
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
“The doctor told Kennedy and her siblings she would have a lovely butterfly after she was done. When Kennedy came out, everyone was excited to see what the doctor meant. Kennedy was so proud of the pretty bandage and not concerned about any scars.”
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
Parry has been working at the hospital since 2011 and has performed over 10,000 surgeries, according to a hospital profile from 2017.
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
“It’s been a pretty special thing for everyone. It’s fun for me to do, the parents and the children really enjoy it and even the whole medical staff likes to get in on it,” the doctor told CNN. “Whenever one of my kids arrive in the recovery room, the nurses all like to take a look to see what dressing the child got. I think it just makes everyone, me included, feel good.”
He said each illustration takes him roughly five minutes to create.
Image credits: Akron Children’s Hospital
The patients themselves are sharing pictures of Parry’s drawings
People deeply respect the doctor for always going the extra mile
Read more: http://www.boredpanda.com/doctor-draws-cartoons-dressings-kids-surgery-scars-robert-parry/